Recover Like A Pro

Why Recovery Matters

Every runner knows the thrill of conquering a long run and the exhilaration of pushing boundaries. However, hidden beneath these moments of triumph lies the secret to sustained success and injury-free running – the power of recovery.

Recovery is more than just taking a day off and resting. It’s a purposeful and deliberate process that allows your body to bounce back faster from the physical and mental demands of training.

Here are the three main physical impacts that require recovery after tough training, along with our favorite recommendations to aid in the process.

1. Muscle Tension and Inflammation

As the miles add up, your muscles contract and expand repetitively, leading to muscular fatigue and micro-tears in the muscle fibers. The fastest way to heal is to focus on promoting blood flow and releasing muscle tension. Here are a few of our favorite compression and massage tools which will accelerate this process:

  • Skins (compression clothing) - compression garments like Skins are like superhero outfits for muscles. The gentle pressure on the legs accelerates blood circulation driving blood back towards your heart and delivering nutrients back to your muscles.

  • TheraGun - helps release muscle tension and knots through rapid and targeted pulsating movements. There are a billion of these at different price points- just Amazon search it.

  • Foam Roller - a less expensive alternative to the TheraGun. We like the Tigger Point “grid” kind.

  • “Legs Up the Wall” Stretch - One of my favorite recovery hacks after a long run is to spend a few minutes lying on my back with my legs and feet propped up at a 90 degree angle.

    • Elevating legs above the heart level allows gravity to aid in blood circulation

    • Assists in draining excess fluids from the tissues, which reduces post-exercise swelling (edema) and inflammation.

2. Dehydration

Running prompts your body to release the natural coolant - sweat. While this helps regulate your body temperature, it also means losing precious fluids and essential electrolytes. Staying dehydrated can lead to other issues like muscle cramps and prolonged fatigue.

Key Signs of Dehydration:

  1. You’re urinating less often, or urinating a darker color

  2. Your heart is racing

  3. You feel lightheaded or dizzy

  4. You have a headache that won’t go away

  5. You feel fatigued

Our favorite hydration product:

  • Nuun - A healthy, hydrating beverage without all of the extra sugar and additives

    • They also sell a product called “Nuun Instant” for rapid rehydrating that I like to use if I’m feeling extra dehydrated.

3. Muscle Protein Breakdown

During prolonged exercise, your body might use muscle protein as an energy source when glycogen levels are low. While this process is necessary for survival, it can lead to muscle protein breakdown, affecting your muscles' peak performance.

  • Elo Smart Recovery - personalized recovery protein blend

    • Blended to your preferences, goals and activity

    • Added boosts like multivitamins and collagen

    • Activity-based dosing guidance

Don’t waste great training with bad recovery! Focus on getting your body ready for your next workout.

Go Far!


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