Running on the Go
Elizabeth Beck Elizabeth Beck

Running on the Go

It can be hard to stay consistent with running while traveling, but it isn’t impossible. Here are a few tips I’ve learned over the years.

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The Power of Identity-Based Habits
Chris Beck Chris Beck

The Power of Identity-Based Habits

Stop viewing exercise as a task or a chore. Instead, see it as a way to prove your identity to yourself. Each time you work out, you strengthen the image of the person you want to become.

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Go Far: The Meaning
Chris Beck Chris Beck

Go Far: The Meaning

Nonetheless, the fundamental spirit of "Go Far" inspires us to commit to pursuing ambitious goals anyway, regardless of the perceived obstacles and uncertainties along the way.

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Running For Calm
Chris Beck Chris Beck

Running For Calm

"Running is nothing more than a series of arguments between the part of your brain that wants to stop and the part that wants to keep going."

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The Pain Cave
Chris Beck Chris Beck

The Pain Cave

“Each time I’ve raced, and hurt a little more, and dug a little deeper, I’m actually making a bigger cave with different tunnels.” -Courtney Dauwalter

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Recover Like A Pro
Chris Beck Chris Beck

Recover Like A Pro

Recovery is more than just taking a day off and resting. It’s a purposeful and deliberate process that allows your body to bounce back faster from the physical and mental demands of training.

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3 Fitness Hacks for Busy Parents
Chris Beck Chris Beck

3 Fitness Hacks for Busy Parents

Being a great parent will always be higher on the “identity” totem pole than fitness. The trick is to aim for consistency rather than perfection.

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Choose To Do Hard Things
Chris Beck Chris Beck

Choose To Do Hard Things

You should voluntarily and consistently choose to do something extremely difficult– something more challenging and scary than anything else going on in your life.

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