5 Lessons From 5 Weeks of Marathon Training

I'm five weeks into my 18-week marathon training cycle. I always discover new aspects about myself and running in general during the lead-up to a race. Here are five things I've learned so far:

1. Listen to your body

While I'm devoted to my schedule and rarely miss a run, I've come to realize that sometimes, tuning into my body is more crucial than rigidly following the plan. Just last week, I had a scheduled 4-mile easy effort run, but when I woke up, my body was simply saying "no." Taking an extra rest day allowed me to approach my weekend long run feeling better prepared.

2. Keep track of good and bad runs

When a run goes exceptionally well or disappointingly poorly, I've begun jotting down details like my diet, sleep quality, and mood. Training runs are my playground for experimentation, allowing me to pinpoint strategies that will or won't work on race day.

3. Keep easy runs easy and go all out on hard runs

I've embraced the "80/20" rule, a belief in which 80% of my runs should be easy while 20% should be intense. Committing to this principle has meant taming my ego and slowing down during easy efforts, then fully pushing my limits on intense runs. If I'm not bargaining with myself to quit on speed days, I know I'm not pushing hard enough.

4. Mental toughness is paramount

I'm a firm believer that mental strength trumps every physical aspect. When I anticipate a tough run, allowing doubt to creep in sets the stage for potential struggle. However, I'm progressively embracing discomfort, welcoming the intensity of the "pain cave," and becoming more comfortable venturing beyond my comfort zone.

5. Running is about me

It’s so easy to get caught in the comparison trap, but one of the things I love most about running is that it’s a me vs. me sport.

Ready to challenge yourself and begin training for your first marathon? Check-out our 18 week marathon training plan here!

Go Far!


Running For Calm


The Pain Cave