Running on the Go

You may have noticed we skipped 2 weeks of the newsletter due to lots of travel! Which brings us to the timely topic of this newsletter: running while on the road. It can be hard to stay consistent with running while traveling, but it isn’t impossible. Here are a few tips I’ve learned over the years:

1. Pack Right: When we were in Colorado, staying warm while running was a big deal. I made sure to pack all the stuff I needed to be comfy during my runs. I made sure to pack all the necessary gear, eliminating the "no running clothes" excuse that could hinder my consistency.

2. Be Adaptable: I recently completed an 18-mile run in upstate New York. The route and terrain were unfamiliar, and I couldn't find a suitable path despite using various maps and running apps. So, I decided to keep things simple. I didn't stick to a specific pace plan and instead focused on adapting to the new environment (and honestly just not getting lost)! This decision allowed me to fully enjoy the run and appreciate the scenery without feeling pressured to meet certain speed goals.

3. Have Fun on Your Trip: Remember, it's not the end of the world if you have to skip a run. You won't lose your fitness overnight. Cut yourself some slack. During our Colorado trip, I missed a few easy runs, but we had a fantastic family bike ride instead. I considered it a win for cross-training and was thrilled to make those lasting memories with my family.

Where are you running next?

Go Far!


50 Mile Race Recap: 4 Lessons Learned