3 Ways A Coach Will Propel Your Life

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1. Vision Setting 

Sometimes all you have is a glimpse of where you want to go in life ... or a flickering sense of who you want to become and what you want to do next. Ensuring the trajectory of your life is pointed in the right direction— towards the dreams and goals YOU have— is perhaps the most significant exercise of your life.

It’s during this exercise that you need someone to help you “hold up the mirror”.  Someone to poke, prod, and cut-through your layers to cast a clear reflection back of yourself.  You need a coach.

A good coach will ask the tough questions and pushback when you’re not being authentic.  They will simply continue to dust-off the mirror and pull it closer to your face…until you yourself can answer the “what’s next?” and “what do I really want?” questions you’re wrestling with.

You may be just one tough coaching session away from that break-through or complete change in direction you’re searching for.

Career, life, executive, and lifestyle design coaches – you can find all types of coaching niches on the internet. Find one you can trust, be honest with, and will help identify your blind spots.

I recently completed a several month block of career coaching– it was absolutely the best investment of time and money I’ve spent in my entire professional-life.  John Vermeesch, Doug Pardo, and all the other folks at LionPoint Coaching are simply exceptional.

2. Road Mapping

If you’re lucky to know where you want to go next, but are unclear how to get there, a coach can help plan your route. They will help break down the seemingly overwhelming journey into bite-size chunks.

Want to scale a business for the first time?  A business coach will help you determine the objectives and key results you should focus on.

Want to finish your first-ever 5k race or complete your fastest marathon time?  A running coach will map-out the baby steps it will take to get there.

I had a coach many years ago who used to say “If you want something you’ve never had… be prepared to do something you’ve never done to get it”.  A good coach will ensure you are prioritizing your energy in the right places to get what you want…that you are completing the right bite size chunks.

Don’t risk failing (or worse, not even attempting) your next big endeavor due to a mere lack of knowledge that a coach can equip you with.

I leaned heavily on a running coach to guide me through preparation for my first 50 mile race — Thomas Moyer at Head Heart Hustle Club is the real deal. I can’t imagine trying to plan and execute that training block without his experience and encouragement.

3. Executing

If you’re chasing something fulfilling and rewarding in life– the path will not likely be easy.  A coach will be there to ensure you stay the course.

They will remind you of where you came from and where you are heading.  A good coach will work to make you stronger– not necessarily make the path easier.  When unexpected challenges come, a coach will have the flexibility and wisdom to help you pivot plans.

Find a coach who will inspire you and push your boundaries— who will lead you towards the “uncomfortable”… towards uncomfortable conversations, towards hard work, towards the right thing to do vs. the easy thing to do.

Vision-setting and road mapping go to waste without execution and follow-through. Put a coach in your corner for accountability.

You will never regret an investment in yourself— especially a good coach.

Where are you headed next? Go Far!


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