Finding Your Rhythm

As the miles stretch out before you, choosing music with a beat per minute (BPM) that matches your target running pace can make a world of difference.

In this edition of the newsletter, we'll explore the impact of BPM on running performance and provide a step-by-step guide to creating the perfect running playlist.

BPM and Running Performance

When you're out on a run, the tempo of the music you listen to can influence your pace and even your overall performance. Matching your stride to a specific BPM offers several benefits:

  1. Consistent Cadence: Let the music guide your stride. Sticking with the song will help you maintain your target pace as you begin to tire (and keep you from speeding up too much during programmed “easy runs”).

  2. Better Focus: Experience the freedom of running without constant glances at your phone or watch to check pace. Your body will naturally sense when it’s off-beat, enabling you to just zone-out and enjoy the run!

  3. Increased Motivation: It’s obvious, but upbeat and energetic songs will distract you from fatigue. Don’t let your old running playlist from 10 years ago slow you down because it’s filled with songs that are way too low BPM.

Determining Your Ideal BPM

This is an easy process. Establish your running pace for the specific workout or race you are completing in minutes per mile (or kilometer) and simply google what the BPM is for that pace. Below is a quick reference list:

  • 11:00 min/mile - 109 BPM

  • 10:30 min/mile - 114 BPM

  • 10:00 min/mile - 120 BPM

  • 9:30 min/mile - 126 BPM

  • 9:00 min/mile - 133 BPM

  • 8:30 min/mile - 141 BPM

  • 8:00 min/mile - 150 BPM

  • 7:30 min/mile - 160 BPM

  • 7:00 min/mile - 171 BPM

  • 6:30 min/mile - 183 BPM

  • 6:00 min/mile - 195 BPM

  • 5:30 min/mile - 209 BPM

Training Plan Note: There are several different types of running workouts in the Run Like Beck training plans (easy effort, tempo, progression, and fast finish to name a few). So, if you’re following one of our training plans you can create separate BPM playlists for each different run type.

Creating Your Perfect Running Playlist

Now that you know the BPM range you're looking for, it's time to build your playlist. Here are a few simple websites and apps we use:

Finding the BPM of a song (or finding a list of songs that have a specific BPM):

You can either search by a specific BPM to see a full list of compatible songs, or search for a specific song and see what its BPM is.

Pre-curated Playlists:

  • Spotify, Apple Music, and Pandora all have pre-made workout playlists by BPM or BPM range. Just try searching your favorite music app by BPM.

Try It Out!

Implement your tailored playlist on one of your training runs this week, and let us know how it goes!

Go Far!


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